Black, 472 vs. Miah Guo, 826

Event: 2021 West Michigan Championship U1200
Time Control: G/90;d5
Result: 1-0 (loss)

This was my first game of the West Michigan Championship (U1200 section). The 2021 Fall Swiss continues with 2021 Game 015. This was my second time facing off against a small child; after the last time, I was not as alert as I should have been. By move 9, I had hung a knight for no compensation, and my opponent was more than competent enough to convert that advantage even if I hadn't made three additional blunders costing my queen by move 13, a rook by move 23, and a sudden checkmate on move 39.

I really ought to have resigned well before then. I suppose I didn't in part because I believed I could find a way to turn things around, but mostly because it was the first game and, in the end, it barely took any time at all—I'm writing this a month after the fact, but I think we each used less than thirty minutes.

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