Black, 472 vs. Gavin Parm, 328

Event: GRCC 2021 Fall Swiss
Time Control: G/55;d5
Result: 0-1 (win)

This was the first game of the 2021 Fall Swiss, and also the first game I played having an official published rating (albeit, a provisional one based exclusively on four losses).

The game was straightforward. Per Lichess, I made only two mistakes (4...d5?, which left me down a pawn for a while, and 7...g6?, which wasn't necessarily bad but which failed to capitalize on a bishop-winning opportunity) and one blunder (20...a6??). I could have won a rook for a knight immediately with 20...Nxe5, which would confer enough of an advantage that not doing so counts as a blunder; however, a6 did prompt White into two consecutive questionable moves that would have left me up an entire rook had he not resigned. The game ended with each of us having used only about fifteen of our allotted fifty-five minutes.

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