Black, 872 vs. Clark Brown, 1500

Event: 123rd US Open Championship
Time Control: 40/100;SD30;inc30
Result: 1-0 (loss)

This was my fourth game in the 2023 US Open. Lichess continues to rate my performance consistently, this time reporting 84% accuracy and only one blunder.

I managed to keep things even for nearly half the game, until about move 14 or 15. I consider this impressive for multiple reasons:

My one blunder for this game was at move 16, when I allowed White’s knight to capture my own on d7. I hadn’t been worried about the triple-fork, given that I could immediately recapture the knight with my bishop, but I failed to realize that this exchange opened the way for White’s bishop to fork both my rooks. I fought as best I could for the remainder of the game, but I was never able to close the gap.

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