White, 472 vs. Austin Bonjernoor, Unrated

Event: 2021 West Michigan Championship U1200
Time Control: G/90;d5
Result: 0-1 (loss)

The third game was a loss, but one which I felt I had played well. However, Stockfish gives 15. Nb5?? one of the biggest evaluation swings of my nascent chess career, from +4.8 to -3.5 in a single blunder. I was setting up for a possible series of exchanges on d6 but failed to realize that I was leaving my e2 bishop hanging. I thought I had equalized with 19. Bxb4, but alas, it was not to be.

20...Qxb4 was the point when I finally realized I was in trouble. I fought hard for the remaining 38 moves, but never managed to recover.

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