White, Unrated vs. Samedh Rajadhyaksha, 859

Event: GR Fall Action Challenge
Time Control: G/30;d5
Result: 0-1 (loss)

My first game of the day was a rematch against Samedh, my last opponent in my previous event; that having been a game I felt I could have won were it not for a few dumb mistakes, I went into this one feeling confident but wary.

Alas, after a decent opening, I lost the advantage with 12. ♕xf3??, falling into a knight fork which cost me a bishop. I tried to make the most of it with 13. ♗xf7+, clawing back a pawn and opening a diagonal to Black's king; but, alas, while I did have opportunity to exploit that opening, nothing really came of it.

While 12. ♕xf3?? was the only move which Lichess flagged as a blunder, I subsequently made a series of sub-optimal moves and never managed to regain initiative. Eventually, I fell into another knight fork which cost a rook. In the end, I resigned after it became inevitable that my opponent would promote one or both of his remaining pawns, and there was nothing further I could accomplish with my lone king.

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