White, Unrated vs. Dan Manning, 1024

Event: GRCC 2021 Summer Swiss #2
Time Control: G/55;d5
Result: 0-1 (loss)

This game got off on poor footing with 6. d4, absent-mindedly removing support from the e4 pawn which I had deliberately established a mere two moves previously. My opponent got aggressive early with 17...♛h3+, a move which I judged to be intimidating but not actually all that dangerous. And indeed, I was able to defend until he finally retreated, and from there I started to catch up; I reduced my material deficit from two pawns to one with 23. ♘xd5, and the evaluation peaked at +1.5 on move 27.

The remainder of the middlegame was fairly even, though I believed I was in a stronger position. However, I started to fall behind on time, and with only a few minutes left I made a series of hasty moves, and finally resigned after move 48 with 45 seconds on my clock.

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